Next Steps for OPuS

In a discussion about implementing OPuS, on the ISED listserve, Richard Kassissieh made the following suggestion.

The OPuS technology platform should match the overall OPuS concept in terms of how centrally organized it is. If OPuS is an unschool, then the central site should be simple, low-cost, generic, and easy to manage.

This makes a lot of sense to me... and it is really the only viable option available at present.

I'm going to be creating a WikiSpaces wiki over the next week that will provide some of the functionality discussed in these three previous posts.

Designing the Community of Practice Icon

Designing the Community of Practice Icon - 2

The Community of Practice Information Window

I plan on using a ning as the virtual gathering place for OPuS1. I'll be working on developing this site as well over the next week and welcome collaboration with anyone interested.

If you have an idea for a Community of Practice please add it to the OPuS CoP brainstorming board.

2 responses
Thanks for incorporating this idea, Fred. On a related note, I'm curious how you are getting the word out to innovative teachers who are not also technologists. I wonder what feedback they are providing to the concept and momentum they are building to get involved. I'm preparing an email to our faculty to invite them to view OPuS as an extension of the hybrid learning environments that some have already developed.



Thanks so much for your insights and questions.

Eventually, I'm really counting on EdTech folks -doing things like what you are doing with your faculty- to get the word out. I'm a little concerned about scaling up just yet, as the framework, approach, tools, etc.. are still being worked out. For a while I want to treat this as a beta test and see what shakes out.

